Projects in operation
Enhanced safety in tram traffic: The world’s first tram fleet with driver assistance systems in Frankfurt
RFID – technology facilitates vehicle maintenance
RFID is a technology for transmitter-receiver systems for the automatic and contactless identification and localisation of objects and life forms using radio waves.
VGF has purchased around 1,000 tablets in 2021 and trained all transport service employees on the devices in the first and second quarters of 2021.
Green VGF
More green stops and lawn tracks - the VGF keeps on planting for a greener future.
Light rail and tramway
Further development of light rail vehicles and trams, for example in terms of length, engine or capacities.
Track painting machine
The innovative track painting machine uses white paint to combat heat damage.
Cargo bike VGFlex
The electrically powered cargo bike produces no exhaust fumes, it doesn’t get stuck in traffic jams and, thanks to its eye-catching design that sports the VGF colours, it cannot be overlooked in those places where it puts in an appearance.
Service and Security – EME
Modernisation of service and security facilities: More security, better service thanks to new hardware and software.
VGF – We love innovation!
At VGF, several innovative projects are currently being driven forward at the same time. They vary in size and influence, are at different stages (in operation, implementation or planning) and originate from almost all technical departments. In addition to completed projects such as the driver assistance system (FAST), other projects are already in the implementation phase. But whether it’s metros or trams, signalling, workshops or track and overhead line construction: The great need for modern, high-performance, sustainable and reliable public mobility can only be met by innovatively developing and building on this 152-year-old successful model.
Projects in implementation
Integration of trams into supply chains: Part of the delivery traffic can thus be transferred from road to rail.
Service and Security – Construction stages 4, 5 and 6
Replacement of numerous previously installed cameras with more powerful models and a completely new construction of the entire system.
In a test phase, more than 25,000 people have already been able to test this innovation: Autonomous buses are Frankfurt's future.
Modernisation of point heating systems
New technologies are to ensure a smoother and, as far as possible, less surprising and disruptive operation in winter.
Underground Train Midsections
In an innovative intermediate step, the VGF is expanding its underground fleet from currently 224 to 247 cars.
Predictive maintenance: contact wire system
The term “Predictive maintenance” refers to the preventive maintenance of infrastructure facilities, be it tracks, switches, vehicles or – as in this case – the overhead line.
Digital Train Control (DTC)
VGF will replace its previous, conventional train control system for underground operations with a new, modern system. “Digital Train Control - System Frankfurt” is one of the company’s most important projects for the future.
In einer Testphase haben bereits mehr als 25.000 Menschen diese Innovation testen dürfen: Autonom fahrende Busse sind Frankfurts Zukunft.
"The Workhorse": VGF's new trackwork vehicle (GAF)
Ideas for tomorrow’s mobility
In order to make underground and tram transport, as well as the entire network, fit for the future, the system must be carefully and consistently developed further. To this end, VGF is reviewing a number of projects for their feasibility and financial viability, because not everything that is feasible is also sensible. On the other hand, some things that seem unfeasible at first glance will soon fundamentally change and improve local public transport – and VGF has already launched some of these innovative projects for the future.